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Acceptance and commitment therapy to address eating disorder symptomatology in gay men

APA Citation

Walloch, J. C., Cerezo, A., & Heide, F. (2012). Acceptance and commitment therapy to address eating disorder symptomatology in gay men. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 6(4), 257-273. doi:10.1080/15538605.2012.725648

Publication Topic
ACT: Conceptual
Publication Type
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, body image, eating disorders, gay men

This article considers how social-cultural pressures place many gay men at heightened risk for body image dissatisfaction and consequent engagement in addictive behaviors that include excessive exercise, bingeing, and purging. Working from a minority stress and self-objectification theoretical lens, the pressures that many gay men face from mainstream society as well as the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community are explored. This review ends with a discussion of how Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is an innovative, culturally salient treatment model to address these concerns for gay men.