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ACT, evolutionary biology and severe mental illness

Originally submitted by user dixonph on 7/30/2014:

Edward Hagen's paper: Delusions as Exploitative Behavior echoes themes of ACT theorists. ACT is held by the founders as a possible aid for even severe psychotic disorders. Contextual behavior theory is not mentioned as such in Hagen's paper. I don't know if Hagen is involved with mental illness treatments, or ACT specifically. The paper seems to be very much in line with ACT principles. That is why I mention it here. I see a connection.

If even severe mental illness is an evolutionary adaptive survival mechanism manifested as a result of a failed social context, then how can ACT help reintegrate the modern sufferer into more successful social connections?

Can there be communities where ACT functions to create an experience of acceptance and support for sufferers even outside the therapeutic setting?

I am looking to see if Edward Hagen is involved with ACBS/ACT. His paper states that he believes anti-psychotic medication will not really help someone with what is called delusional disorder (semi-plausible delusions, continued day to day routine functioning), which is distinct from the bizarre delusions of schizophrenia. He also mentions the harmful side effects of the medications.

I am interested in the potential for ACT in supportive community for mental health sufferers.

Any known efforts among ACT practioners?