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Practical considerations in the design and development of smartphone apps for behavior change

APA Citation

Roth, W. R., Vilardaga, R., Wolfe, N., Bricker, J. B., & McDonell, M. G. (2014). Practical considerations in the design and development of smartphone apps for behavior change. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 3, 269-272.

Publication Topic
CBS: Conceptual
Contextual Methodology and Scientific Strategy
Publication Type
Smartphone apps, Design, Interdisciplinary collaborations, mHealth, Behavior change, Personalized care

The fast adoption of smartphone applications (apps) by behavioral scientists pose a new host of opportunities as well as knowledge and interdisciplinary challenges. Therefore, this brief report will discuss the lessons we have learned during the development and testing of smartphone apps for behavior change, and provide the reader with guidance and recommendations about this design and development process. We hope that the guidance and perspectives presented in this brief report will empower behavioral scientists to test the efficacy of smartphone apps for behavior change, further advance the contextual behavioral etiology of behavioral disorders and help move the field towards personalized behavior change technologies.

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