I am so proud to announce the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (JCBS) 2018 Journal Impact Factor of 1.890! A 55% increase from our first Impact Factor of 1.216, this indicates that articles published by JCBS in 2016 and 2017 were cited an average of 1.8 times in 2018. This, combined with the increases in the number of submissions along with diversity of topics, authors, and methodologies, makes me confident that JCBS’ impact will continue to grow.
I’d like to take the opportunity to express my gratitude to all those that have shared my confidence and matched it with efforts that directly support JCBS: the Editorial and Student Editorial Boards, our publishers at Elsevier, the ACBS Executive Board and Publications Committee, our many conscientious reviewers, and all the authors who believe in JCBS enough to send their valuable work our way. A special thank you to our Associate Editors – Kristy Dalrymple, Evelyn Gould, Kate Kellum, Mike Levin, Jason Lillis, Jessica Madrigal-Bauguss, Daniel Maitland, Staci Martin Peron, Akihiko Masuda, Louise McHugh, Jean-Louis Monestès, Graciela Rovner, Dennis Tirch, Matthew Tull, Matthieu Villatte, Timothy Weil, and Amie Zarling. I hope you’ll take a moment to congratulate and thank them yourselves for their considerable commitment to establishing contextual behavioral science as a viable and productive discipline.
Finally, please join me in spreading the news about JCBS, and consider sending your next manuscript our way.
Emily K. Sandoz, Ph.D.
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science