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New User Website Guide

Welcome to the website of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science.

This section is under construction. If you feel you understand some of how this website and community works feel free to contribute!

The home page of the site describes the purpose of this organization. Welcome to the website of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. 

Of course, as a new user, you can use this website as you would use any old website, as a way to obtain information. On the other hand, something potentially much more exciting and enlivening is also possible. This website is also the developing nexus for an online community. If you look around the site and feel that you might be interested in joining, membership to the website is free and provides you the possibility of contributing to its content.

We hope that those who use this website develop a sense of themselves as an online community. This website is here to both support it members and be contributed to by its members. The website grows and changes as the membership of the community grows and changes.

As a community, we know that members participate at various levels. There are two primary things you can do as a member, 1) lurk and learn or 2) contribute. These are outlined in more detail below.

1) Lurk and Learn

Feel free to browse the site and experience all its wonders!

If you don't know where to begin, check out our Getting Started page.

2) Contribute

You can register to become a member of ACBS (Association for Contextual Behavioral Science) of this website. Only with ACBS membership can you make full use of the interactivity that this site enables. With ACBS membership you can upload new content (child webpages), download files, comment on existing content, maintain a personal blog, submit events to the calendar, and more. For example, this new user guide was created by me, Jason Luoma, as a member.

The benefit of being listed as an ACT Therapist comes with professional membership in ACBS. Right now, suggested membership is only $83/year for most professionals (but $15 minimum with values-based dues). You can learn more about getting your membership through this link. Or learn about the benefits of membership here.

If you want more details about how to negotiate the process of adding and editing content, there is a short guide to the features of the site that you can read here and there is a more comprehensive guide written for ACBS members available here

Anyone (with a user account or paid membership, but no membership is required) can add comments at the bottom of many pages. If you are reading a page and are interested in responding to the content in some way, you can click on the link at the bottom that says "add new comment." Members, if you are feeling ambitious enough to actually add more content (well, you don't really need to feel ambitious, just be ambitious) you can add a child page to many pages through clicking on "add child page" at the bottom of many pages.

Try it out, don't be afraid to make mistakes. If you think you might possibly have something to say, just say it. That's how we keep build and keep this community going! Others will respond and pretty soon there will be conversation going! Also, for more general information on the website you can also see the FAQ section to the left.

Revisit the site often. The site will continue to grow with new articles and information, so check back frequently.