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Matt Boone's ACT Nuggets videos

ACT Nuggets, by Matt Boone and Tim Gordon, offers some free video education on basic ACT concepts. It's geared toward beginning to intermediate learners, and Matt puts all concepts in as plain language as possible. One of Matt's many skills is making ACT really understandable without losing the complexity of the concepts. First up, after a brief intro to what ACT is for anyone who stumbles onto the series, are two videos (episodes 1 & 2) which describe the Hexaflex. Episode 3 describes psychological flexibility in terms of broad vs. narrow repertoires of responding and gets into what it means to think functionally about behavior. In episode 4 watch a video clip of Matt facilitating an experiential exercise that incorporates an ACT classic metaphor: Tug of War with a Monster. In this episode 5 Tim asks Matt specifically about his take on ACT being an 'experiential approach' to behavior change. They explore the theory behind bringing experiential work into direct practice. In the final episode Matt describes mindfulness in a jargon free way and gives a step by step guide to introducing mindfulness into sessions with clients.

See the first video, "What is ACT?" below, and then view the rest of the series here

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