JCBS is excited to announce a new initiative to train student reviewers. This initiative is a joint effort between the ACBS Student SIG and JCBS. This program is a great opportunity for students interested in receiving training in and experience completing reviews of manuscripts submitted to JCBS. Students will complete a training webinar then be paired with a member of the editorial board. The student will then be allowed to participate in that board member's reviews. Following three successful paired reviews with an editorial board member or the student’s own professor, students will be eligible to apply for the Student Editorial Board where they will be invited to serve as an additional reviewer on manuscripts submitted to JCBS. This is a great opportunity for students to get experience providing reviews to a journal, and this will prepare students for reviewing when they become professionals in the field. Interested students should contact the JCBS professional officer, Troy Dufrene (troydufrene@gmail.com), to join the student reviewer listserv.