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Image Use on the ACBS Website

The use of an image without a valid license is considered copyright infringement in violation of US copyright law, Title 17 of the United States Code.

The images on the ACBS website are either owned or licensed by ACBS or are public domain (free) images. If you would like to use an image from the ACBS website, please contact the ACBS office at for permission and verification that ACBS has the legal authority to provide permission for use of an image.

Likewise, if you are going to place an image on your Chapter or SIG webpage, or other page, on the ACBS website, please make sure that it is a public domain image or owned solely by you. (Please note: This is different than a "royalty free" or "free" image.) You can find more information and links to public domain resources here:

Some would even go as far as to say that even with a public domain image, it's smart not to have it be a photograph where you can see someone's face. (Unless you've taken it with their full knowledge and their permission.)

If in doubt, please check with us first to make sure that the image is okay to be used on the ACBS website. Thank you!