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Games and Frames: Enhancing your ACT with Functional Assessment and Relational Frame Theory

Games and Frames: Enhancing your ACT with Functional Assessment and Relational Frame Theory

Workshop Leaders: 
Evan Marks, LCSW-C
Miranda Morris, Ph.D. 
CE credits available for this Two-Day Event: 7.5
Saturday, 24 June 2023 - 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. UTC/GMT +3 (Eastern European Summer Time)
Sunday, 25 June 2023 - 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. UTC/ GMT +3 (Eastern European Summer Time)
Workshop Description:
This workshop is about having fun with RFT. Yes, you read that right - FUN with RFT! Learning RFT can be daunting and many ACT practitioners give up before they get to the good part: using it clinically. The purpose of the workshop is twofold: 1) to demonstrate the relevance of RFT to clinical work, 2) to help clinicians increase the flexibility and efficacy of their interventions with clients. It is ideal for practitioners who are already practicing ACT who want to broaden their repertoire and deepen their understanding of the model.
To start, we will learn the basics of Behavioral Analysis (BA), Functional Contextualism (FC), Functional Assessment (FA), and Relational Frame Theory (RFT). That's a lot of acronyms, we know! But we want to do much more than teach you terms, we want to show you how to use this knowledge to help your clients and to put you at the cutting edge of our field.
Once we have covered the basics, we will start practicing identifying clinically relevant relational framing as it is happening in session. We will use framing to help clients contact internal experiences as they are (not as language says they are) and to enhance client and therapist sensitivity to function and context.
Throughout the workshop, we will use use case examples and group exercises to “play” with different frames and help participants put concepts into practice. In addition, we will use experiential exercises to help participants increase context sensitivity, functional coherence, and response flexibility.

About Evan Marks, LCSW-C

Evan Marks, LCSW-C is a licensed clinical social worker and Co-founder of True North Therapy and Training, a private therapy practice located in Bethesda Maryland. He specializes in the use of evidenced based therapies including ACT and other contextual behavioral therapies, to treat individuals with substance use, mood, and anxiety disorders. Evan is also a former member at large for the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science.

About Miranda Morris, Ph.D.:

Miranda Morris, PhD is a psychologist in Bethesda, MD. She is a Peer Reviewed ACT Trainer, and she conducts regular workshops in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and related therapies including Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) and clinical applications of Relational Frame Theory (RFT) She is currently Past President of the Board of the Association of Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS). In addition, Miranda is an active member of the Mid Atlantic Chapter of ACBS Chapter and their ACT Carolinas affiliate. In her paid-work life, she is the Co-founder of True North Therapy and Training, a group dedicated to sharing contextual behavioral therapies with clients, practitioners, and the broader community.

On completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

1. Describe the ABC model of behavioral analysis
2. Describe mutual entailment
3. Describe combinatorial mutual entailment
4. Describe transformation of stimulus function
5. Describe the pragmatic truth criterion in functional contextualism
6. Explain the term ""context"" as used in functional contextualism
7. Explain the term ""function"" as used in functional contextualism
8. Describe at least one goal in clinical RFT
9. Identify and describe at least 3 relational frames
10. Describe what is meant by ‘frozen metaphor”
11. Identify 3 types of rule governed behavior

Target Audience: Beginner, Intermediate, Clinical

Components: Literature review, Experiential exercises, Didactic presentation, Case presentation, Role play

Package Includes: A general certificate of attendance

CEs Available (7.5 hours): CEs for Psychologists, BCBA