Fellowship in the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science is meant to recognize professionals with a terminal degree who have made strong and positive contributions to Contextual Behavioral Science. Our focus is deliberately broad. Fellowship can be awarded early, mid, or late career; contributions may be in research, scholarship, training, public information, policy, prevention, organizational work, practice, or any other area of CBS and of the Association; substantive areas include philosophy of science, basic, and applied domains. Fellowship is a membership status in ACBS, but may be offered contingently to those who are not yet members.
Those inducted in 2014 are: Yvonne Barnes-Holmes, Ph.D., Anthony Biglan, Ph.D., Jonathan Bricker, Ph.D., JoAnne Dahl, Ph.D., Mike Dougher, Ph.D., Simon Dymond, Ph.D., John Forsyth, Ph.D., Russ Harris, M.D., Louise Hayes, Ph.D., James Herbert, Ph.D., Carmen Luciano, Ph.D., Jason Luoma, Ph.D., Lance McCracken, Ph.D., Louise McHugh, Ph.D., Ian Stewart, Ph.D., and Kirk Strosahl, Ph.D. You can see a full list of ACBS Fellows here.