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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - William Napier

William Napier

Private Practice
London, London
United Kingdom
Highest Degree Held: MSc
Specialties: Asperger/ASD adults, Anxiety, Depression, Trauma
Types of Clients: Adolescents, Adults, Families, Couples, Groups (group therapy)
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: Chartered Counselling Psychologist, HCPC, BPS
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Introductory seminar, Kelly Wilson 2-day seminar on values, ACBS2015Berlin, self-study via books and online. Clinical RFT with Matrhieu Vilatte, ACBS Seville including workshop on DNA-V. ACBS Dublin. ACT seminar with Joe Oliver 2019.
ACT/CBS Experience: 13 years of applying ACT clinically

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