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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Hubert Czupała

Hubert Czupała

Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies in Poznań
Poznań, wielkopolskie
Highest Degree Held: MA
Types of Clients: Adolescents, Adults, Organizations
Languages spoken: Deutsch, English, Polski
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Kelly Wilson act workshop in Warsaw 2013
ACT/ Contextual Behaviour Science Conference London 2013
ACT/ Contextual Behaviour Science Conference Dublin 2014
ACBS World Conference 13 - Berlin 2015
ACT-CBS Conference – Edinburgh 2016
ACT Conference Poznań 2016
DNA V Louise Hayes Workshop Poznań 2016
ACBS World Conference 15 Seville
ACT/CBS Conference Poznań 2019
DGKV Bamberg
ACBS World Conference 17 Dublin
ACBS World Conference 18 (30 hours)

11/2020, ONLINE
UK and Republic of Ireland ACT and Contextual Behavioural Science 4th Conference (16 hours)
ACBS Virtual World Conference 19 (30 hours)
ACT- verNetz(t), Kongress der deutschsprachigen Gesellschaft für kontextuelle Verhaltenswissenschaften e.V. (DGKV) (20 hours)
Prosocial WORLD Introductory Prosocial Facylitator Training curse #23 (27 hours)
IV Polish National ACT and CBS Conference (27 hours)
ACBS World Conference (30 hours)
V Polish National ACT and CBS Conference (20 hours)
ACT/CBS Experience: advanced

Contact Hubert

Contact hubertczupala