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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Lynn Northrop

Lynn Northrop

Private Practice; Sharp Healthcare: International Arts Mentors
Psychologist, private practice; Cofounder (International Arts Mentors)
San Diego, California
United States
Highest Degree Held: Ph.D.
Specialties: geropsychology, anxiety, depression, giref, caregiver stress, healthy aging, clinical supervision
Types of Clients: Adults, Elderly, Families, Groups (group therapy), Organizations, Not listed
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: CA psy18656
ACT/CBS Background and Training: many workshops, 2 boot camps, many books, articles, list serve chats, professional consultation, practice, practice, practice training and clinically supervising others... all this rooted in a very behavioral PhD program (WVU).
ACT/CBS Experience: ACT/CBS in inpatient and outpatient settings, ACT/CBS with older adults, ACT/CBS applied in clinical supervision with doctoral interns and fellows
Additional Information: I am taking new patients!

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