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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Ms. Helen McGillivray

Helen McGillivray

Compass Therapy Ltd
Psychological Therpist
Lochinver Lairg, Midlothian
United Kingdom
Highest Degree Held: BS
Types of Clients: Adults, Groups (group therapy), Organizations
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: NMC BABCP
ACT/CBS Background and Training: My journey towards becoming an ACT therapist about 12 years ago and have “hooked” ever since. It has become part of my personal and professional life.
Trained to intermediate level - David Gillanders, Edinburgh
Attended ACBS world con 2016
Various training events and development days
Involved in women’s ACBS SIG
Using ACT in clinical work and attend regular monthly supervision (Portland model)
Follower of all things ACT on social media
Slowly moving towards peer review
Took up member at large post on the board for ACBS UK&ROI member at large
ACT/CBS Experience: clinical work, supervision
Additional Information: Currently serving as member at large on ACBSUK&ROI chapter board

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