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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Dr. Dr James Parker

Dr James Parker

Department of Clinical Health Psychology
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire
United Kingdom
Highest Degree Held: DClinPsy
Specialties: physical health, cancer & palliative care
Types of Clients: Adults, Elderly, Couples
Languages spoken: English
ACT/CBS Background and Training: I have been interested in ACT since 2006 where I learned about its use for people with chronic pain. It has not been until my work in palliative care that I have undergone further ACT training. Since 2011 I have attended: 1 day experiential intro, 4 day experiential Intro & 4 day Intermediate Skills with Mindfulness ltd in London, 1 day Masterclass with David Gillanders, 2 days Russ Harris Boot Camp, 2 days Steve Hayes, 1 day ACT in workplace, 2 days Robyn Walser, 2 days Kelly Wilson, 2 days precon with Coyne & Morris, & ACBS world con. and UK&ROI conferences. I now regularly use ACT in my work with patients in physical health, cancer and palliative care settings and the supervision I offer to other Clinical Psychologists and professionals. I chair an ACT interest group in my trust, regularly have ACT peer supervision and also attend the ACT Birmingham Interest Group.

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