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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Katelijne Lauwers

Katelijne Lauwers

Into the BLUE - Psychologie & Yoga
Psychologist (PhD) - Behavioral counselor - Yoga teacher
Oostende, West-Vlaanderen
Highest Degree Held: Ph.D.
Specialties: stress - burn-out - anxiety - chronic disease - psychosomatic complaints -- pain - obesity - binge eating - boulemia
Types of Clients: Adolescents, Adults, Groups (group therapy), Organizations, Not listed
Languages spoken: English, Nederlands
Licensures/Certifications: behavioral counselor - tabacology - 200 TT Yoga
ACT/CBS Background and Training: The Heart of ACT: Flexible, Process-based, and Client-focused Therapy Workshop by Robyn Walser
ACT for Depression and Anxiety disorders by Russ Harris
ACT for adolescents by Russ Harris
Focused ACT
The wisdom of change: applying advanced ACT skills flexibly in clinical practice Workshop by Robyn Walser:
ACT bootcamp - the therapeutical relation
ACT bootcamp - chronic pain -
ACT course for professionals -
ACT for smoking cessation - Sara Bosman
Additional Information: Sessies in Oostende of online
Adres Oostende: Blauwkasteelstraat 49

Contact Katelijne

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