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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Ineke Lauwen

Ineke Lauwen

Private practice as a supervisor
clinical psychologist/psychotherapist
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Highest Degree Held: MS
Specialties: anxiety, (psycho)somatic problems, depression
Types of Clients: Adults
Languages spoken: English, Nederlands
Licensures/Certifications: clinical psychologist/psychotherapist/supervisor VGCt
ACT/CBS Background and Training: 4 ACT courses (each: 2 or 3 days), 2 day workshop Strosahl/Robinson, 4 x 1 day workshop, 25 supervision sessions with J. A-Tjak.
1-day workshop J. Dahl in Enschede. ACT conference and workshop in Den Bosch in 2015. ACBS Worldconference 2017 Seville, 2 day training "getting unstuck" J. A-Tjak Jan. 2017, 1 day workshop Rikke Kjelgard in Antwerp March 2023 etc.
ACT/CBS Experience: since 2007
Additional Information: I focus now on giving supervision (training) only and don't see clients at this moment (June 2023)..

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