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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Chris Fraser

Chris Fraser

Positive Path Counseling, LLC
Dublin, Ohio
United States
Highest Degree Held: MSW
Specialties: ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Strong willed/oppositional children and teenagers
Types of Clients: Children, Adolescents, Adults, Families, Couples, Groups (group therapy)
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: LISW
ACT/CBS Background and Training: I have enjoyed and greatly benefited from attending many ACT workshops and trainings. I was fortunate to be able to attended the ACBS world conference in Washington DC in July 2012, ACT bootcamp in Reno March 2013, and a summer institute with Kelly Wilson 2013. Trainings in 2014 with Steve Hayes in Detroit, Louise Hayes in Toronto,world conference in Minneapolis, and I was most honored to speak with Lisa Coyne and Sacha Rombouts at the UK Ireland Chapter conference. Sacha and I also were fortunate to present again together at the ACBS conference in Berlin and I chaired a great panel discussion on how to facilitate compassionate perpsective taking withe teens with Dennis Tirch, Laura Silberstein, Louise Hayes, and Lisa Coyne at the world conference in Seatle. The ACBS wold conference in Seville I chaired the same wonderful panel on facilitating compassionate perspective taking with adolescents with Lisa, Dennis, Louise and Laura. ACBS world Conference in Montreal I was the highlight of my presenting at ACBS because I was so fortunate to be able to present a presentation on process based therapy with my father Dr. Scott Fraser! The Montreal world conference was also so very special because I chaired an amazing a panel discussion on process based therapy with my Dad, Steve Hayes, Dennis Tirch, and Sue Johnson.
Clinically I utilize CFACT (compassion focused ACT) with children and families, individuals, and couples in my private practice. I have been very inspired by Dennis Tirch's work and have been integrating his compassion focused therapy authentically into my ACT work with clients. I have greatly benefited from being a part of an amazing CFT online supervision group facilitated by Dennis Tirch that has been ongoing over the past couple of years. Recently I have been doing talks around Ohio about self compassion and psychological fexibilty to parents of young adults with Autism. .I have been doing these same talks to parents of children with down syndrome. In January 2022 I taught a six week course for praxis called CFT with Adolescents in a Pandemic Era: A Call for Compassion I am also the past president of the Ohio ACBS chapter.

ACBS Peru Chapter Conference: Lima, Peru (virtual) Presenter: Compassion Focused Therapy for Adolescents April 29-30, 2023

ACBS Australia and New Zealand Chapter Conference: Wellington, NZ (Virtual) Presenter: Self Care for Therapist in a Disconnected world Nov 18-20, 2022

ACBS Annual World Conference 20: San Francisco, California, USA (In Person) Presenter: Answering The Call for Compassion, CFT with Adolescents in a Pandemic Era June 4-5, 2022

ACBS Malaysia Chapter: Kuala Lumpur, April 2-3 2022: CFT for Mental Health Practitioners with Adolescents in a Pandemic Era. April 3rd talk given to Parents of Adolescents.

Anger, Power, Love, A Journey Back to Connection: Online World Workshop: Jan 15, 22, 29 and Feb 5 Chris Fraser with Co-Presenters: Dr Chia-Ying Chou, and Dr Isabelle Leboeuf

ACBS Annual World Conference 21: Nicosia, Cyprus (Pre-recorded workshop) CFT with Adolescents: Addressing the Fallout of the Pandemic July 26-28, 2023

The Ohio State University College of Social Work: (webinar) Answering the Call: A Compassion Focused Therapy Approach for Responding to Common Crisis Calls from Teens and their Families JAN. 25, 2024 | 9 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Grant funded training series for 988 and CareLine workers.
ACT/CBS Experience: Utilization of ACT in my private practice
Additional Information: I grew up with an ADHD diagnosis and have learned how to embrace it over the years and have found out how to utilize my strengths. I have been learning daily how to move beyond the old limmiting stories and how to bring self compassion for myself durring the painfu momments when I fall. In my private counseling practice I strive to help others with ADHD embrace their lives in its entirety on their path towards pursing their chosen life values. I also deeply love my work with children and families, individuals, and couples who present with a wide array of presenting issues! Most recently I have been inspired to look into bringing our contextual work into sports performance. Playing soccer from childhood all the way through to playing for the University team has given me insight into how our third wave work can really bennefit athletes of all ages. I would often get headstuck as a young athlete and I would so wish to help others learn how to compassionately liberate from those stuck places.

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