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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Dr. Jeffrey Kravitz

Jeffrey Kravitz

Private Psychology Practice
Elkins Park, Pennsylvania
United States
Highest Degree Held: Ed.D.
Specialties: Stress Management, anxiety, depression,chronic illness, pain, spiritual issues.
Types of Clients: Adults, Elderly
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: Psychologist
ACT/CBS Background and Training: I completed the Introductory and Advanced ACT training by participating in Kelly Wilson's 4-Day Intensive (6/2007). I attended the ACT World Conferences in 2010, 2012 , 2014, 2018 and 2020 for additional training. In 2003 I participated in the Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy training with Dr. Zindel Segal. The basic mindfulness exercises used in that program are quite similar to the basic acceptance exercises used in ACT. I have a personal daily mindfulness meditation practice and I have attended a variety of mindfulness retreats. I am a practitioner of Insight Dialogue (ID), a method for bringing mindfulness into interpersonal relationships and completed the RIM (Relational Insight Meditation) program for therapists who practice ID.
ACT/CBS Experience: I have incorporated many elements of ACT into my practice of psychotherapy since early in 2006. I have been leading MBCT groups since 2003 and and have been using mindfulness/acceptance approaches with individuals as well.
Additional Information: I am committed to holistic, collaborative care. I maintain active relationships with a variety of medical and allied health practitioners. I am committed to the importance of the therapist -client relationship and to the dignity of each client. In addition to my ACT and MBCT training I work with Insight Dialogue, bringing advanced meditation techniques directly into the ongoing dialogue that occurs during every therapy session.

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