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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Ray Owen

Ray Owen

Dr Ray Owen, Psychology Services
Consultant Clinical Psychologist (Cancer & Palliative Care / Health Psychology)
Newent, Gloucestershire
United Kingdom
Highest Degree Held: Psy.D.
Specialties: Physical Health, Adjustment, Bereavement & Dying
Types of Clients: Adults
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: CPsychol, HCPC
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Background: CBT and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy

Introductory / Experiential: Summer School (Cape Cod) 5 x half days;with Steve Hayes

Skills: 2 day, London with Henry Whitfield

Intermediate: 2 day, London with Martin Brock

Supervision: ongoing individual supervision with David Gillanders

Advanced 2-day workshop with Russ Harris (London), 2 day Robyn Walser, 2 day Strosahl & Robinson, 2 day Steve Hayes (ACTII), 2 days Matt Villlatte, 2day on Exposure treatment with Coyne & Morris, Online Praxis Values course with Kelly Wilson

Berlin WorldCon 2015, Seville WorldCon2017,,London Conference 2013, Edinburgh Conference 2016, Dublin WorldCon 2019, Online WorldCons 2020, 2021, San Francisco 2022, Cyprus 2023
ACT/CBS Experience: Some techniques for c 18 yrs; more fully for c 15yrs
Additional Information: ACBS Peer-reviewed Trainer.
Author of "Facing the Storm: Using CBT, Mindfulness and Acceptance to Build Resilience When Your World's Falling Apart" Routledge, 2023, 2011.
"Living with the Enemy: Coping with the stress of chronic illness using CBT, Mindfulness and Acceptance" Routledge, June 2013.

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Contact Ray Owen