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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Kevin Handley

Kevin Handley

Private Practice | Germanna Community College
Licensed Clinical Psychologist | Professor | Workplace Trainer
Fredericksburg, Virginia
United States
Highest Degree Held: Ph.D.
Specialties: Personal, professional & practice development for therapists, coaches & other health care professionals though therapy, coaching and continuing education. ACT/CBT for anxiety & ACT/CBT-I for insomnia.
Types of Clients: Adults, Groups (group therapy), Organizations
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: Licensed Clinical Psychologist | ICF Certified Coach
ACT/CBS Background and Training: I've studied ACT theory and technique since 2004, including...
=>ACT in the Workplace training with Ross McIntosh (live training)
=>ACT workshops and experiential trainings with Steven Hayes, Sonja Batten, and DJ Moran (live trainings).
=>Online courses on values (Kelly Willson) and Focused ACT (Kirk Strosahl & Patricia Robinson).
=>I also helped Jason Luoma pilot a chapter on case formulation for his book "Learning ACT: An Acceptance & Commitment Therapy Skills-Training Manual for Therapists."
ACT/CBS Experience: ACT is the foundation of my therapy, teaching and workshops.
Additional Information: Here is what I do...
=> ACT for sleep and other challenges in my Fredericksburg, VA office and worldwide via Telehealth.
=>ACT-influenced workplace trainings on thriving, burnout prevention, sleep health and other topics.
=> Continuing education workshops for psychologists, counselors, social workers and other healthcare professionals

Contact Kevin

Contact Kevin B. Handley