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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Rosa Di Lorenzo

Rosa Di Lorenzo

Private Psychology Practice
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Supervisor
Sacramento, California
United States
Highest Degree Held: Psy.D.
Specialties: Stress reduction and meditation, MBCT, existential, transpersonal, psychodynamic, Somatic Experiencing
Types of Clients: Adolescents, Adults, Families, Couples
Languages spoken: English, Italiano
Licensures/Certifications: PSY 24148
ACT/CBS Background and Training: ACBS World Conference, San Francisco, June 2023
ACBS World Conference, Seattle, US, June 2016
(5 days of workshops, including 2-day intensive
ACT wksp with Kelly Wilson)
ACBS World Conference, Berlin, Germany, July 2015
(5 days of workshops, including 2-day intensive
ACT wksp with Steven Hayes)
ACBS World Conference, Minneapolis, US, June 2014
(5 days of workshops, including 2-day intensive
Functional Analytic Therapy wksps with Tsui and Kohlberg)
ACT Boot-camp, Reno, March 2013
(4 days intensive workshops)
ACBS World Conference, Washington DC, US, July 2012
(5 days of workshops, including 2-day intensive
Functional Analytic Therapy wksps with Johnathan Kanter)
ACBS World Conference, Parma, Italy, July 2011:
(5 days of ACT workshops, including
2 day intensive wksp with Stephen Hayes and Russ Harris)
Books and Manuals Studied and Used:
Learning ACT (for therapists)
ACT for Anxiety
ACT for Depression
Various other readings
ACT/CBS Experience: Clinical Practice since 2011, WC Berlin, 2015, World Conference, Parma, July 2011 World Conference, DC, July 2012
Additional Information: I have been applying ACT and Functional Analytic Therapy principles and techniques both in treatment with my clients and in my personal life with significant results, great satisfaction and fulfillment.

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