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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Valerie Kiel

Valerie Kiel
Psychologist & Peer-reviewed ACT
Maastricht, Limburg
Highest Degree Held: MSc
Specialties: Body image problems, living with physical disabilities, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, burnout
Types of Clients: Adolescents, Adults, Elderly, Couples, Groups (group therapy), Organizations
Languages spoken: Deutsch, English, Nederlands
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Clinical and training work:
Next to my private practice in the Netherlands, I work in a residential clinic with chronic pain and eating disorder patients where I have been introducing the ACT model.

2014-2015: Elected board member for the German speaking ACBS-Chapter (Deutschsprachige Gesellschaft fuer Kontextuelle Verhaltenswissenschaften; DGKV).

Online consultation and training:

* Co-founder (together with Chris McConnell) of the ACT Peer Network ( offering free online peer intervision meetings in English, French and Polish to ACBS-members.

* Co-facilitated introductory RFT-workshop at the annually German speaking ACT-convention "ACT-Tage" in Bazel, Switzerland (Jan 2014).

* I have led a 6 weeks online training in ACT and FAP / Matrix with Benji Schoendorff at the Evidence Based Practice Institute (EBPI) and another 8 weeks online training in Cinical Functional Contextualism (CFC) with Benji Oct.-Dec. 2013. A third one just started in January 2014. If you are interested to participate in the online training I am co-leading with Benji, send me an e-mail or read the full training description on the website of the Contextial Science Institute:

* Together with my collegeague Chris McConnell from Ireland I have set up an initiative for FREE online peer support called the "Drop-In Peer Support Meetings". The next series of peer support meetings take place each Friday during February and March 2014 at 4:30pm CET (to know how what time this correponds to in your spot on the planet, check out this time conversion site: The group is suitable for you if you are up to making new ACT contacts around the world and want to work on improving your ACT skills in a safe learning environment. If you want to join us during one or all Friday meetings, send me a message through the contact form. You are most welcome!

Special interest in e-learning and online training:
I have got 10 years of experience in using online environment for training and learning in different organizations and settings (e.g. United Nations, European Open Universities). I provide online therapy and coaching in my private practice and have developed an ACT-based online training for women with body image issues (

* Jan 2014: Individiual supervision on RFT with Matt Villatte
* Nov. 2013: 2-Day "Train the trainer" workshop with Rainer Sonntag, Germany
* Oct-Nov. 2013: Second 8-weeks online training Clinical RFT with Matthiew Villatte at Practice ground
* June 2013: Attendance German speaking ACBS-conference, Berlin (2-day introductory workshop with Russ Harris, and half-day workshop with Maarten Aalberse 'Body work and ACT')
* May - June 2013: 8-Weeks Clinical RFT Online Training with Matthieu Villatte at Practice Ground
* March - April: In collaboration with Chris McConnell offered 8 weeks series of ACT-online consultation ("Drop In groups") for ACBS-members
* March 2013: ACT-Bootcamp, Reno
* March 2013: 2 day workshop with Mathieu Villatte on RFT, Antwerp, Belgium
* 2012: Founding member of German Speaking Association for Contextual Sciences (DGKV)
* Attendance German Speaking ACT-Conference June 2012, Winterthur, Switzerland
* 2011 and 2011: Three 2-day ACT-workshops with Rainer Sonntag (beginners, imtermediate and advanced)
* June 2011: WorldCon IX and 2 Day Preconference Workshop with Russ Harris and Steve Hayes (Intermediate level) in Parma
* 8-weeks Online Training in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) with Mavis Tsai and Stig Jorgensen Helwigsen, March-May 2012
* 8-weeks Advanced Online Training in Functional Contextualism (FC) with Benji Schoendorff and Joanne Steinwachs, October-November 2011
* Practice Ground course on giving effective feedback by Kelly Koerner and Gareth Holman, June 2012
* Nov. 2012-March 2013 bi-weekly online supervision with the Hank Robb
* Since 2011 ongoing (bi)weekly participation in international online peer FC-consultation group
* 2011 Bi-weekly ACT-consultation with Aisling Curtin (ACT-NOW Ireland)
* 2010 and ongoing: Individual and group consultation with Kevin Polk on the Matrix; including 9 months track “Mastering the Matrix class”
ACT/CBS Experience: since 2010
Additional Information: I am working and living in Germany and the Netherlands and I am used to working with clients in German (mother tongue), English and Dutch. If you would like to know how I could help you or your client, send me an e-mail via the contact form.

Contact Valerie

Contact Valerie Kiel