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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Michael Hourigan

Michael Hourigan

The OCD Treatment Center
associate clinical social worker
Newport Beach, California
United States
Highest Degree Held: MSW
Languages spoken: English, EspaƱol
Licensures/Certifications: ASW (122503)
ACT/CBS Background and Training: I have read "ACT with Anxiety," by Richard Sears. I am hoping to learn more about ACT and RFT by becoming a member of ACBS.
ACT/CBS Experience: I have worked with individuals experiencing OCD and anxiety symptoms for 8 months.
Additional Information: I work in the field of OCD and anxiety. I have personally recovered, and maintained recovery, from severe OCD symptoms. I have done so, in large part, by implementing the core processes of ACT.

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