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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Kimberly Mathis

Kimberly Mathis

VA San Diego Healthcare System
Staff Psychologist
Chula Vista, California
United States
Highest Degree Held: Ph.D.
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: CA PSY#33053
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Trained in ACT-focused mental health hospital (2.5 years) including weekly supervision, case consultation, and therapeutic approaches for three years (Sharp Mesa Vista Hospital San Diego, CA). Trainings include Trauma-focused ACT, ACT as a Brief Intervention, and ACT for depression and anxiety disorders. Once licensed, developed and led an ACT-based Mood Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) providing EBPs for patients with mood, anxiety and personality disorders. Developed and implemented a 12-week ACT curriculum using EBPs including patient workbook, facilitator curriculum, and staff training at Sharp. At San Diego VA, developed and facilitated an ACT for Depression and ACT for Aging psychotherapy group including patient user manuals. Currently provide individual therapy for 20-24 patients/week using an ACT treatment approach. Trained and supervised master’s, doctor, and post-doctoral trainees in ACT case conceptualization and EBPs in an inpatient treatment facility for older adults. Co-chaired bi-weekly ACT consultation and supervision consultation groups. ACT Presentations given across treatment settings included: Applying ACT Techniques in an Acute Treatment Setting, ACT and Neurodivergence in Adults, ACT for Psychosis in Older Adults, Building Hope in the Face of Adversity using ACT.
ACT/CBS Experience: 7 years

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