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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Katherine Maichel

Katherine Maichel

University of Sheffield
United States
Highest Degree Held: MA
Languages spoken: English, EspaƱol
ACT/CBS Background and Training: I am a music psychologist and certified performance coach. I serve performing artists and leaders to manage performance anxiety and build the mental and emotional skills to performance confidently and with joy. I am a PCC accredited coach by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). I have been training and implementing ACT methodology in my practice for four years. David Juncos is my mentor and I have completed several ACT courses with:
- Russ Harris such as "ACT for People Pleasing and Perfectionism"; "ACT for Worrying, Ruminating, and Obsessing".
- Ross McIntoch "ACT in the workplace"
- David Juncos "ACT for Musicians"
- among others.
ACT/CBS Experience: 4 years

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Contact Kathy Maichel