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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Rachel Ganz

Rachel Ganz

Private Practice
Individual Therapist
San Francisco,
United States
Highest Degree Held: MA
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: LCSW
ACT/CBS Background and Training: I have completed both Dr. Russ Harris' courses ACT for Beginners and ACT for Depression and Anxiety Disorders, as well as a 4-Day Intensive Workshop: ACT Theory and Practice course with Dr. Joanna Burg Torzewski. I have a background in cognitive-behavioral therapy (focus of study in graduate program at UC Berkeley). I have been trained in DBT for adolescents and more recently acquired training in ERP.
ACT/CBS Experience: I have been using ACT as my foundational approach in clinical practice since 2022.
Additional Information: ACT forms the foundation of my clinical approach in my work providing individual therapy to teens and adults, and I also incorporate ERP and DBT when indicated. I specialize in working with neurodiverse clients and treating anxiety disorders and OCD, and am also experienced in working with complex trauma and PTSD.

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