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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Henry Steinberger

Henry Steinberger

Henry Steinberger, PhD, LLC
Madison, Wisconsin
United States
Highest Degree Held: Ph.D.
Specialties: Addictive behaviors (substance and behavioral), mood and anxiety issues. Providing secular science-based approaches to addictions.
Types of Clients: Adults, Elderly
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: Psychologist; Master Addiction Counselor (or higher)
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Licenced psychologist, Fellow of the Albert Ellis Institute for Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and member of NAADAC and through them I hold the National Certification Commission for Addiction Professional's Master Addiction Counselor. I've completed an 8 week course in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. I've studied ACT through the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science Workshops and Conferences beginning with those in Reno NV in 2010, and all conferences held in the US, plus the Berlin conference, as well as through independent study, reading the many books and manuals for professionals, and articles such as those published in the Journal of Rational Emotive/Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which have linked REBT with ACT, and I continue to do so.
ACT/CBS Experience: I have applied ACT with my clients since July 2010. My experience with Mindfulness increased, and my post-doctoral fellowship with the Albert Ellis Inst. for REBT might also be considered as related.
Additional Information: Since 1991 I have served as a volunteer to SMART Recovery - Self-Management And Recovery Training, an abstinence-oriented, organization with a science-based, secular program offered through its self-help mutual-support groups at no-charge. I co-authored and edited The SMART Recovery Handbook (2004) and served from 2001-2010 on their national board of directors. I also support Moderation Management, a self-help group which unlike SMART Recovery offers a non-abstinence program. I believe that ACT provides an excellent way to get off the emotional avoidance path of addictive behavior, and get on with a richer fuller and more rewarding life. I started the Applying ACT to Addictions SIG in 2014 with lots of help from other ACBS members and I'd like to see us grow and develop research and clinical applications.