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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Lynn Otto

Lynn Otto

Newberg Counseling and Wellness
professional counselor associate
Newberg, Oregon
United States
Highest Degree Held: MA
Types of Clients: Adults
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: professional counselor associate (with OBLPCT)
ACT/CBS Background and Training: “Working with Self and Identity in ACT,” with Kelly G. Wilson, Praxis, June 2024
“Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: An Experiential and Practical Introduction,” Jason B. Luoma and Jenna LeJeune, Portland Psychotherapy, Tabor Space, Portland, OR, Oct. 14–15, 2022
Participation (when possible) in the ACT peer supervision group sponsored by ACBS, 2023
Extensive reading (books by Harris, Hayes, Walser, Luoma, LeJeune, and more, as well as conversations on the ACBS listserve)
ACT/CBS Experience: 2 years

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