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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Julia Sage

Julia Sage

Sage Heart Psychotherapy
Social worker, Psychotherapist
Ottawa, Ontario
Highest Degree Held: MSW
Specialties: OCD, Health Anxiety, Panic attacks, Agoraphobia, Fear of death, PTSD, Supporting those who have lost someone to suicide, Highly Sensitive Persons
Types of Clients: Adults
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: RSW
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Intensive ACT & ERP training & consultation with Dr. Marisa Mazza
2-day live experiential professional ACT training course with Dr. Kelly Wilson
ACT professional training course, Russ Harris
Qualified Mindfulness-Based Symptom Management(MBSM) Teacher, The Ottawa Mindfulness Clinic, Lynette Monteiro & Frank Musten
Silent meditation retreats, True North Insight
RYT 200 Yoga Practitioner
Yoga & the Traumatized Body training, David Emerson
ACT/CBS Experience: 10+ years
Additional Information: I am a registered social worker with 15+ years of experience in community mental health. In private practice I am currently focused on treating anxiety issues and OCD, offering compassionate therapy which integrates ERP & ACT. I am dedicated to helping adults overcome anxiety & intrusive thoughts, particularly health & death-related fears, and those highly sensitive to body sensations & emotions. Additionally I co-facilitate Anxiety Ottawa’s GOALS group for adults with OCD and teach yoga/mindfulness classes tailored for therapists.

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