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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Adam Szlezak

Adam Szlezak

Team Dr ADAM
Doctor of Physiotherapy & Accredited Sports Scientist (focussed in Mental & Behavioural Health & Performance)
Gold Coast, Queensland
Highest Degree Held: None
Specialties: Behaviour Change & Coaching to achieve Goals & Build Quality of Life
Types of Clients: Adults, Couples, Organizations
Languages spoken: English, Norsk
Licensures/Certifications: ESSA Accredited Sports Scientist | Doctor of Physiotherapy (AHPRA)
ACT/CBS Experience: see above
Additional Information: As a Coach, Dr Adam has helped Medical Experts, Legal Experts, CEOs of Self Founded companies, Corporate Executives, Elite Level Athletes, and Top Performing Real Estate Professionals towards their life and business goals.
As a Doctor of Physiotherapy (focussed in Mental & Behavioural Health), he has empowered people living with Autism, Schizophrenia, Personality Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, ADHD, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Stress Presentations and Burn Out, to function, behave and participate effectively and consistently towards their LIFE GOALS.

If you’re ready to re-engineer your life and business from the inside out….
Welcome to Dr Adam Coaching….

"Hi, I’m Dr Adam (Dr Adam Szlezak, PhD)! I'm here to empower LIVES & Businesses to manage emotions and function SMARTER, not harder!
Formally, I'm a Doctor of Physiotherapy & Accredited Sports Scientist (focussed in Mental & Behavioural Health, & Performance). Nowadays, I work primarily as a Coach helping driven people like YOU with their Life & Business Goals! In a part-time role, I also provide functional therapeutic support to client's in the Mental Health space!

What's my own background?

As a driven young athlete, I’d really struggle to function and perform at my best under pressure (e.g., competition)…in fact, I'd become so overwhelmed (and tense) before competing, I'd often even VOMIT my guts up!!! At the time, people would say it was all in my head - but I can tell you it was much more than was very physical, very physiological...and I knew the mind and body were NOT separate concepts. SO, instead of giving up or avoiding my GOALS, (despite it being very challenging [and quite humiliating i.e., throwing your guts up in front of everyone, and struggling to deliver when it mattered didn't feel great), I learnt to use my Mind-Body connection as a practical tool to support my function, participation, and performance capabilities! Eventually, I even became an Australian Junior Champion in Athletics with a Number Five World Youth Ranking (IAAF). I then spent approx. 12 years at University studying the science of the Mind-Body connection whilst building this very Practice. In short - we're all AWESOME humans capable of the lives and careers we want. We just need the right support and coaching!".

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