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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Mx. Marina Márquez Pla

Marina Márquez Pla

Barcelona, Barcelona
Highest Degree Held: MS
Specialties: Developmental trauma, emotion dysregulation
Types of Clients: Adults, Groups (group therapy)
Languages spoken: English, Español
Licensures/Certifications: General Health Psychologist
ACT/CBS Background and Training: ACT Immersion with Dr. Steven C.Hayes
ACT in Practice with Dr. Steven C.Hayes
Exploring Values in ACT with Dr. Kelly G.Wilson
Healing trauma with ACT with Dr. Robyn D.Walser
ACT for Beginners with Dr. Russ Harris
ACT for Trauma with Dr. Russ Harris
ACT/CBS Experience: 2021
Additional Information: I had a son in 2022 and he started kindergarten just this month. I don't have any clients now. I plan on upgrading my contribution as soon as I do. Thank you very much.

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