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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Farideh Radis

Farideh Radis

child and adolsscent psychiatrist
Copenhagen, Copenhagen
Highest Degree Held: MS
Types of Clients: Children, Adolescents, Families
Languages spoken: Dansk, Deutsch, English
ACT/CBS Background and Training: 2 years education in ACT ( modules and supervision)with Rikke Kjelgaard from ACT Denmark 2019-2021
Supervision and ACT self therapy with ACT trainer and psychologist Ole Taggaard Nielsen in Denmark
ACT/CBS Experience: little
Additional Information: I am an child- and adolescent psychiatrist and have worked many years in NHS Denmark with investigations and treatment of children and adolescents with neuropsychiatric disorders like autism, ADHD and affective disorders like anxiety, OCD, depression. I would like to spend more time with early intervention paycoeducation and psychotherapy treatment using family based and individual ACT in primary sector in 2024.

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