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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Katarzyna Ferneza

Katarzyna Ferneza

SVP Ireland
Highest Degree Held: MA
Types of Clients: Adults, Not listed
Languages spoken: English, Polski
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Healing Trauma with ACT with Sabina Sadecka
Healing Trauma with ACT with Dr Robyn Walser
FAP level 1 / FAP level 2
Pre conference workshop with Mavis and Bob
Pre conference workshop with Mavis
Attended conference in Poznań , Poland 2022
Joined and completed 8 book clubs with ACBS Polish chapter
ACT/CBS Experience: I've created and provided morning activities workshop "ACTive morning with photography" during conference in Poznań
Additional Information: MA Psychology, Graduate SWPS University in Warsaw.
Postgraduation Diploma "CBT practitioner" in Derry, Northern Ireland, Member of NCP.
Postgraoduation Diploma " Photography in therapy and personal development"

Contact Katarzyna

Contact kaferneza