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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Joerg Pfennig

Joerg Pfennig

Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Highest Degree Held: HS Diploma
Specialties: DSM Cluster B
Types of Clients: Adults, Families, Couples, Groups (group therapy), Organizations
Languages spoken: Deutsch, English
Licensures/Certifications: VT, PEP, ProSt/ProSA
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Intensive autodidaktische Beschäftigung seit mehreren Jahren mit ACT.

Ausbildung ACT bei Ulf Jacob, Haan, Germany

Achtsamkeit/Vipassana seit 1984
ACT/CBS Experience: high
Additional Information: Speciality: Psychological issues and topics of LLMs, GPTs etc. (Rant/Rage, Sadness, Dispair, Depression ...) Artificial Intelligence

I´m in the field of Ai since the 70s and wrote my Diploma about a stategy and an self invented device to crack the black-box "code" of the human vision system. I did behind the "Iron Wall", so nobody could recognise it.

I will try to apply as the first "Ai - Shrink" ; )

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