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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Anna Hammond

Anna Hammond

License Clinical Psychologist
Aurora, Illinois
United States
Highest Degree Held: Psy.D.
Types of Clients: Children, Adolescents, Adults
Languages spoken: English
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Attended full day ACT training in 2016 with Kelly Wilson, Attended 2 day ACT workshop in 2020, Completed PsychWire course on ACT with Adolescents in 2022 (24+ hours), attended ACBS Chicago conference in 2024. I have also independently ready most of the major books on ACT since 2015.
Additional Information: I have been practicing since 2002 and am fully trained in CBT. I specialize in working with children, adolescents, young adults, and families. I enjoy working with clients presenting with Anxiety, OCD, high functioning ASD, and mood disorders.

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