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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Jody Hoffman

Jody Hoffman

University of Michigan & private practice
Clinical Psychologist
Ann Arbor, Michigan
United States
Highest Degree Held: Ph.D.
Specialties: anxiety disorders, OCD, psychotherapy integration, ACT-enhanced ERP (exposure-response prevention)
Types of Clients: Children, Adolescents, Adults, Elderly, Organizations
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: Licensed Clinical Psychologist MI License No. 6301012389
ACT/CBS Background and Training: I initially became interested in ACT as a way to "enhance" client participation in exposure therapy for anxiety disorders. Specifically, I wanted clients to have additional tools to use when engaging in difficult therapy tasks such as exposure. I was also drawn to ACT given my concurrent graduate school training in behavioral medicine/CBT and I-O (industrial-organizational) psychology. The latter provided an excellent background regarding ways in which contexts (such as the specific situations we find ourselves in, cultural factors, workplace and family systems, etc) influence our individual behavior and experience.

Over the past 15 years, I have engaged in ongoing ACT-based training and continuing education to ensure my skills remain current. I run ACT training/supervision at the University of Michigan Mari A Rackham Institute. At my UM Clinic, I accept Aetna, BCN, and BCBS-Michigan insurance plans. I also have an ACT-based private practice that offers therapy and coaching services, where I accept BCN and BCBS-Michigan insurance for psychotherapy.

Please note that given the COVID-19 pandemic, therapy services are currently provided virtually (i.e., via telehealth).
ACT/CBS Experience: 15+ years

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