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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Olga Montgomery

Olga Montgomery

Voyager Counseling LLC
North Chesterfield, Virginia
United States
Highest Degree Held: None
Specialties: Grief and loss, traumatic loss, pregnancy loss/miscarriage, child loss
Types of Clients: Adults, Elderly, Groups (group therapy)
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: LCSW
ACT/CBS Background and Training: I specialize in working with women finding their way in grief and loss.

CBS Trainings Attended:
- ACT as Clinical Behavioral Analysis, Alma, Emily Sandoz, 2024
- ACT and Grief, Praxis, Jennifer Gregg, 2023
- Nurturing Roots to Reach New Heights, ACT Maine, Emily Sandoz, 2022
- Brief Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Praxis, Russ Harris, 2021
- ACT Immersion, Steve Hayes, 2020

Books Read:
- Mindfulness for Two, Wilson
- The Wisdom to Know the Difference, Wilson
- Experiencing ACT from the Inside Out, Tirch
- Stop Avoiding Stuff, Boone
- Values in Therapy, LeJeune
- Learning Process-Based Therapy, Hoffman
- Learning ACT, Luoma
- A Liberated Mind, Hayes
- Advanced ACT, Westrup
- The Happiness Trap, Harris
- Brief Interventions for Radical Change, Strosahl
- ACT for the Treatmetn of PTSD & Trauma-Related Problems, Walser
- Chronic Pain Rehabilitation, Parks
- ACT for Anxiety Relief, Willicott
- Real Behavior Change in Primary Care, Strosahl
- The Heart of ACT, Walser
ACT/CBS Experience: 2018 to present
Additional Information: Service to ACBS:
- SW SIG Co-Chair, 2020-2024

Presentations Given:
"ACT and Terminal Illness", ACBS SW SIG Webinar Series, 7/25/2021
"ACT and End of Life Care", Bliley's Funeral Home Lunch & Learn, 9/24/2021
"ACT, Grief, and End of Life Care", Bliley's Funeral Home, 10/13/2021

Community Activity:
SW SIG Book Club Facilitator, "Stop Avoiding Stuff" by Boone, Gregg, & Coyne, April - May 2024
- SW SIG Peer Consultation Group Faciltator, September 2021 - August 2022
- SW SIG Book Club Facilitator, "A Liberated Mind" by Steve Hayes, March - July 2021