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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Gretel LaVieri

Gretel LaVieri

Self-employed private practice
Clinical social worker
Pennington, New Jersey
United States
Highest Degree Held: None
Specialties: older adults, grief, chronic illness
Types of Clients: Adults, Elderly
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: Licensed clinical social worker
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Completed Experiencing ACT from the Inside Out: A Self Practice/Self Reflection Workbook for therapists with a group of ACT social work clinicians
Training: ACT for Grief and Bereavement, with Russ Harris
Completed ACT Made Simple, self directed study
ongoing clinical consultation with ACT therapists, including participation in SIGs: Pain; Aging in Context
training in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
training in clinical uses of mindfulness, through Insight Meditation Society (Barre, MA, USA) retreats
previously trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
training in prolonged grief (Dr. K. Shear, Center for Prolonged Grief, Columbia University)
ACT/CBS Experience: utilizing concepts with clients; self application with Experiencing ACT From the Inside Out
Additional Information: Historically, my practice was home based, with all sessions in the homes of clients. I now offer a hybrid practice, utilizing both home visits and telehealth. I work with adults, primarily older adults, addressing issues related to chronic pain, chronic illness, physical disability, grief including anticipatory grief, caregiver stress, and end of life issues.

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