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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Katie Parker

Katie Parker

Board Certified Behaviour Analyst
Bath, Somerset
United Kingdom
Highest Degree Held: MSc
Specialties: Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Types of Clients: Children, Adolescents, Adults, Families, Organizations
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: MSc Behaviour Analysis, BCBA
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Studied at Swansea University and there was an ACT module with Louise McHugh.
Attended several workshops over the years:
Kelly Wilson (2 x 2 day courses) - DEEPEST KINDNESS
Darin Cairns, Louise McHugh, Emily Sandoz Workshop at Swansea - ACT/RFT/ASD
Steve Hayes - 2 day workshop (Contextual Consulting)
Russ Harris - Act Made Simple and Act for Trauma (Contextual Consulting)
Louise Hayes - DNA-v model (Trading with Schools)
Tom Szabo - ACT in Behaviour Analysis 9 week course (Praxis)
Siri Ming & Tom Szabo - RFT for Behaviour Analysts
Lisa Coyne & Evelyn Gould - ACT with parents
ACT/CBS Experience: Slowly introducing with clients
Additional Information: Interested in researching applying the DNA-v model to individuals with additional needs.
Interested in getting more protocols like Darin Cairns RFT work in early intervention into the UK
Codeveloper KS1 Connect wellbeing curriculum based in DNAv model of ACT for young people

Contact Katie

Contact katieparker001