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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Janice Keeman

Janice Keeman

Single Step, LLC
Middletown, Connecticut
United States
Highest Degree Held: MSW
Types of Clients: Adolescents, Adults, Elderly
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: LCSW, LADC
ACT/CBS Background and Training: I participated in my first ACT training in 2008, have attended multiple day-long workshops by Drs. Jamie and John Forsyth, Dr. Steven Hayes and others. I have participated in 6 ACBS World Conferences including submitting and presenting on a panel for the 2021 WorldCon, in Cyprus in 2023 and for the ACBS Arab Affiliate in December 2023. All presentations include various ACT processes. I have been receiving bimonthly supervision from Dr. Jamie Forsyth since 2018 and also participated in a 6 month consultation group run by Dr. Robyn Walser.

Contact Janice

Contact janice.keeman