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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Dr. Asbjørn Ernø

Asbjørn Ernø

Primary Care
Moss, Østfold
Highest Degree Held: M.D.
Specialties: Family medicine, pediatrics
Types of Clients: Adolescents, Adults
Languages spoken: English, Norsk
ACT/CBS Background and Training: In my practice, 5-6 ACT sessions each week. I have done two online courses with Russ Harris - ACT for beginners and ACT for Adolescense, been to ACBS Nordic conference in 2016 in Copenhagen, FACT workshop with Kirk Strosahl and Patricia in 2017 and ACT workshop with Rikke Kibsgaard in fall 2017. Additionally read some books. Two years ACT education with Rikke Kjelgaard 2019-2021.
ACT/CBS Experience: 7-8 years

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