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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Howard Crumpton

Howard Crumpton

Partner/Clinical Psychologist
Falls Church, Virginia
United States
Highest Degree Held: Ph.D.
Specialties: Behavior Therapy, Family Therapy
Types of Clients: Adolescents, Adults, Groups (group therapy)
Languages spoken: English, EspaƱol
Licensures/Certifications: Maryland (05540), DC (1001023), VA (0810006209)
ACT/CBS Background and Training: I have attended/participated in the following ACBS trainings:

Introduction to ACT (Miranda Morris, Staci Martin - MAC-ACBS)
Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (Miranda Morris, Holly Yates - MAC-ACBS)
ACT II (Steven Hayes)
Nurturing Roots to Reach New Heights: Revisiting Foundations for Mastering Flexible, Process-Based ACT Implementation (Emily Sandoz)

Online trainings:
ACT for Beginners by Russ Harris
DNA-v: The Youth Model of Acceptance, Mindfulness, and Positive Psychology by Louise Hayes
ACT/CBS Experience: 6 years

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