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Member Communications: Updates from the ACBS Board (August 2022)

Member Communications

August 1, 2022

Dear ACBS Community,

I am excited to continue the process of introducing ourselves as members of the Board and representatives of our wonderful community. My name is Rhonda Merwin. I am an Associate Professor at Duke University in the School of Medicine, a Licensed Psychologist, Founder and Director of ACT at Duke and a Peer-reviewed ACT trainer – and I have the pleasure of serving as your Member-at-Large in Basic Science. I am also the Chair of the Publications Committee, which supports the Journal of Contextual and Behavioral Science (JCBS).

It has been an honor being a part of this organization as it has continued to grow and evolve over nearly two decades. What a ride; CBS and ACT has moved from edgy to mainstream, and the impact factor of JCBS has climbed to 5.138 (placing it #28 of 130 journals in psychology, clinical). I hope we continue to find the next horizon and push the status quo.

Following Maria’s example, I will share some of my personal values, the first of which is a guiding light as I write this. I value connection; to see and to be seen, to know and to be known. And, while imperfectly (often out of fear), it is important to me to create opportunities for that in my personal and professional life. Honestly, it requires frequent reorienting.

I also value creating a space for people to live, to push the edges and to grow. I came to this work through a desire to create space, mostly for young girls thinking that they had to live small lives. From that place, a way of being in the world and a research program has grown. I have my own daughter now and I am hoping to create a space for her to live out loud, just as she is, perfectly made, without apology.

Finally, whenever I think about what is important to me, I still hear Kelly’s words: “behave,” he would say, i.e., don’t sit quietly in the corner. In my life and in ACBS, I have tried to do just that; Being on the Board is part of that.

So... in ACBS, I hope you find connection -- and a place to push the edges and “behave” in whatever way fits with your life and your values.

If I can be of service to you in my role as Member-At-Large, please reach out.

In gratitude,

Rhonda Merwin, Member-At-Large