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Since I am a new member here at ACBS I thought it would be appropriate to introduce myself

My background is MSc in strategy, organization and leadership with minors in psychology and philosophy, followed by 20 years of experience from management consulting within leadership and change. I have worked with many organizations in the private as well as the public sector. Over the years, I have increasingly been working with the cognitive and behavioural aspects of business transformation as well as using individual coaching and counseling as a means to help people grow and develop.

My interest in ACT took off in 2016 when as I was looking for frameworks to deal effectively with a relative that was suffering from alcoholism. I quickly developed a big interest in ACT also fueled by my long term interest in mindfulness and Buddhist philosophy to which I saw a clear link.

During the summer of 2017 I had the good fortune to be able to attend a Focused ACT seminar for therapists facilitated by Kirk Strosahl, Patricia Robinson and Thomas Gustavsson. I have since then continued to study, learn and practice my skills within ACT and started during 2018 to offer ACT counseling to people around me who were looking for some kind of help on a voluntary basis. 

I think as ACT practitioners, we are in a unique position and - given our knowledge, skills and resources - have a responsibilty to help colleagues, family, friends and extended network to cope constructively with the current Covid-19 crisis. My first contribution to the forum is therefore a translation of Russ Harris "FACE Covid" pamphlet into my native language Danish.