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Culture, kids

Hello everyone, greetings from Mexico. I live in a very small city of 30 thousand people. I have decided to write in this space, because I feel concerned about the social situation in my city, and how this is affecting the emotional development of children and adolescents. Unfortunately, the culture in my city centers on drug trafficking, family violence, and rates of child sexual abuse. Many children who are in elementary and secondary schools are the children, friends, and family of drug dealers. This social situation worries me, because there are no cultural places for youth either, and very few therapists have training in Evidence-Based Therapies.

I would like to ask the ACBS community for help because at times I don't know how to make interventions related to “narco cultura”, since much of what happens involves serious crimes that are not penalized by Mexican justice.

How can I help those children or young people who live in the midst of this culture?

Thank you everyone!