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AUDIO: Intuitive exploration of RFT before its formulation: why has humanity made thought so important in every aspect of life?

Audio of dialogues between renowned physicist, David Bohm and "anti-guru" Jiddu Krishnamurti (author of book "Freedom from the known"). Actually "anti-guru" would not be the appropriate term since talking this way is linked to "being a guru", but I have to use words and words are that often tricky. I am using this term because I don't want him to be confused with another Krishnamurti, which I think is a leader of a religious group. That is enough Mind for justification, let's go to the heart of subject now.... 

This audio is probing "such questions as ‘why has humanity made thought so important in every aspect of life? How does one cleanse the mind of the ‘accumulation of time’ and break the ‘pattern of ego -centered activity’? The Ending of Time concludes by referring to the wrong turn humanity has taken, but does not see this as something from which there is no escape. There is an insistence that mankind can change fundamentally; but this requires going from one’s narrow and particular interests toward the general, and ultimately moving still deeper into that purity of compassion, love and intelligence that originates beyond thought, time, or even emptiness". (from Amazon's editor review). 

The book is on audio, see content of chapter below (I am a podcast fan while travelling long distance!): an intuitive exploration of RFT before its formulation (in my humble opinion). You can find other chapters of book on same website under title "The Ending of Time"

Has humanity taken a wrong turn? 

I and not I 

Psychological time 




Chapter 1 - The Roots Of Psychological Conflict 

Chapter 2 - Cleansing The Mind Of The Accumulation Of Time 

Chapter 3 - Why Has Man Given Supreme Importance To Thought? 

Chapter 4 - Breaking The Pattern Of Ego-Centred Activity 

Chapter 5 - The Ground Of Being, And The Mind Of Man 

Chapter 6 - Can Insight Bring About A Mutation Of The Brain Cells 

Chapter 7 - Death Has Very Little Meaning 

Chapter 8 - Can Insight Be Awakened In Another 

Chapter 9 - Senility And The Brain Cells 

Chapter 10 - Cosmic Order 

Chapter 11 - The Ending Of 'Psychological' Knowledge 

Chapter 12 - The Mind In The Universe 

Chapter 13 - Can Personal Problems Be Solved, And Fragmentation End