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Western Michigan University - Scott Gaynor (FC/ACT/RFT/FAP/BA; PhD; USA)

Dr. Gaynor's research interests include psychotherapy process and outcome, especially applying contemporary behavior therapy approaches. He and his laboratory are currently working on intervention studies involving children, adolescent, and young adult samples. He is also interested in the experimental analysis of human and non-human behavior.

The Behavior Research and Therapy Laboratory is committed to the scientist-practitioner model. As such, our intervention studies have two related purposes. First, for the participants involved, we hope to provide interventions that can legitimately improve their lives. Second, while providing these interventions we attempt to rigorously evaluate them, hoping to determine empirically if and why they are helpful. Currently we are working on intervention studies involving children, adolescent, and young adult samples.

Visit Dr. Gaynor's Home Page for more information or contact him at

The clinical psychology program at Western Michigan University is a behavioral program, and faculty there conduct research and train in modern behavioral psychotherapies such as Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Behavioral Activation (BA).

Visit the program webpage for further information.



(This webpage was updated on October 12, 2022)