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CEs for Psychologists - Post-test links

For those earning CEs for Psychologists - Recorded

Credit is available for sessions indicated (on the specific session page) for watching RECORDED sessions AND successful completion of post-test quizzes. To earn credit for watching RECORDED sessions, you must watch the complete session and successfully pass a quiz with a 75% or higher score.

You must complete and pass the required post-test quizzes by 3 September, at the latest. CE certificates will automatically be emailed to you by 30 September, and will include the total of your live AND recorded session credits.

01. Changing Behaviour to Solve Environmental Problems

02. Personalising digital health interventions applying N-of-1 methods.

03. Advances/innovations in telehealth: Technology-based ACT interventions for transdiagnostic behavioral health concerns

04. Psychological Flexibility as a malleable health target - from methodical considerations to real-world applications

05. Sexual and romantic connection and victimization: Uncovering predictor and moderator variables.

06. ACT with Parents of Children with Health Conditions

07. Surfing the Urge and Riding the Wave Towards What Matters Most: ACT and Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy

08. Together we can build a digital platform to help the world! - Let's co-create and give it to all, for free!

09. Feel the guilt and do it anyway

10. Encarnando metáforas en ACT: Como la experiencia corporal puede ser un vehículo en la implementación de ACT

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

11. Ego is the enemy of excellence: How to promote the letting go of ego (nonattachment)

12. Current developments in ACT for individuals with Acquired Brain Injury and their carers

13. RFT-Based Analysis of Complex Human Behavior involving temporal, causality, and hierarchical responding

14. ACT in action: Examining cutting edge modalities of delivering ACT to meet higher demand for services

15. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy & Birth Trauma

16. Reorienting CBS: Promoting accessibility, collaboration, diversity, inclusion, & longevity

17. Prosocial Schools: Nurturing Teacher and Student Wellbeing and Cooperation

18. Psychological Flexibility for LGBTQIA+-identified clinicians

19. Supercharge Your ACT with Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Sharpen Your Clinical Work with Defense-Mechanism Analysis as Functional Assessment

20. ACT for Eating Disorders: 3 Key Interventions to Disrupt Maladaptive Weight Control and Choose Mattering

21. How symbols control behavior: Implications for a contextual conception of culture

22. Applications of ACT to Adolescents and University Students

23. Measuring Psychological Flexibility: Challenges and Opportunities

24. Past, present, and future of CBT: Reflecting on the historical developments of radical behaviorism, RFT, ACT and CBS

25. Lessons we're learning from COVID: How CBS and Prosocial principles help us support healthcare workers post pandemic

26. El entrenamiento en ACT para público hispanohablante: desafíos y guías

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

27. A Call for Compassion: CFT with Adolescents in a Pandemic Era

28. Games and Frames: Improving your ACT with RFT

29. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Social Anxiety: An Evidence-Based In-Person and Virtual Group Approach

30. Saying the wrong thing! Approaching difficult conversations with psychological flexibility

31. ACT in the Context of Anxiety and Serious Disease

32. Advancements in Digital Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Improve Population Health

33. The Role of Adherence to Values in Promoting Desirable Behavior

34. Hopeful Creativity: Flexible High-Performance Interventions Within Dynamic Spaces and Places

35. Self-Conceptualization: Self-Relevant Responding in the Development, Maintenance, and Treatment of Depression

36. Shaping Psychological Flexibility with Real-Time Functional Feedback

37. Learning how to publish Contextual Behavioral Science

38. Self Compassion and Courage: An Introduction to Compassion Focused Therapy for Anxiety

39. Evaluación del funcionamiento conyugal mediante la Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy: La Formulación DEEP

40. Youth and the Transition to Adulthood: The Role of Context, Development, and Process-based Treatment

41. Nonattachment: Letting go, becoming free

42. How to enjoy old age in super-aged society: A CBS Perspective

43. The role of ACT processes in understanding and attenuating nonclinical paranoia

44. ACT Interventions and Processes

45. ACT for Cancer: Processes and Applications with Patients and Oncology Nurses

46. Never Good Enough: Responding to perfectionistic self-criticism as a therapist using flexibility and compassion

47. How to improve the effectiveness of therapeutic relationship in complex conceptualization: A FAP perspective

48. A third wave CBT universal protocol and its application for therapy & a community resilience prevention intervention

49. CFT for Caregivers of young people with mental health difficulties: Introduction to essential skills and activities

50. Rapid Role-Play: Flexibly Integrating the ACT Core Processes into Therapy

51. Rule Busting: Using the RFT account of rule-following to promote flexible, appropriately contextualized responding

52. CBS on a Large Scale: Applications to Higher Education, Sociopolitical Conflict and Healthcare

53. Empirical innovations in psychometric development & validation of self-report measures of psychological flexibility

54. Context Matters: Actionable Behavioral Conceptualizations of Matters of Social Significance

55. Upping our game: Research methods for contextual behavioral science

56. Clinicians' Perspectives on Clinical Behavior Analysis: Concepts & Clinical Implications

57. Awareness Courage and Love Accessing Self Forgiveness To Rewrite Your Pandemic Story

58. ACT made simpler, easier and effective: six steps to psychological flexibility with the ACT Matrix

59. Identificando patrones de flexibilidad e inflexibilidad psicológica en niños

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

60. Linking Values to Other ACT Processes

61. From Rats to Walden II Revisited: Research Reflections on Contemporary Issues in Contextual Behavior Science

62. 100RCTs: Reviewing Up-to-Date Research on ACT

63. The Latest Advancements in RFT and Future Directions

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

64. A CBS perspective on the dialogue between Buddhist traditions and empirically-supported systems of behavior change

65. Psychedelics and Psychological Flexibility: A CBS Account of Processes of Change

66. Supporting Caregivers of those with Memory Loss Through ACT and DBT

67. Improving supervision using FAP-Based on Processes: Strengthening Supervisor-Supervisee relationship

68. ACT for Gastrointestinal Disorders in Youth: Neuroscience Metaphors, Functional Goals, and Measurable Outcomes

69. El dolor en la aceptación: Favorecer la apertura para incrementar la experiencia sentida del consultante

70. The Challenge of Change in Couples: How Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy brings about change and acceptance

71. Understanding the role of contextual behavioral science in obesity and obesity treatments

72. Leveraging ACT and Values to Increase Treatment Adherence in Diverse Healthcare Contexts

73. CBS Research Task Force Report: Recommendations with Commentary

74. Variation with Vignettes: Responding to Clinical Presentations from the Perspectives of ACT, FAP, RFT, and CFT

75. Inspiring Stories: Global Perspectives On Facilitating Climate Action in a Just and Culturally Sensitive Manner

76. Using Exposure to Strengthen Psychological Flexibility

77. ACT Quest: Gamifying Therapy for Treating Anxiety and Trauma

78. Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP): Cultivating the Sacred in Therapy and Beyond

79. Charting a path towards a just and caring future for transgender people: A CBS approach to addressing discrimination

80. Internet interventions in the era of a pandemic

81. The complexities of compassion: What inhibits it and how we can help facilitate it

82. ACT with adolescents: Preliminary outcomes and processes of change across contexts

83. Recent theoretical and empirical advances in understanding and remediating rigid rule-governed behavior.

84. Community-Based Interventions and Cultural Adaptations

85. Shaping Supervision: Developing ACT consistent Supervision Skills

86. Breaking the Binds of Body Image using ACT

87. Top 5 mistakes you don't want to make as an [ACT] therapist

88. Stuff that's Stuck: ACT for Difficult to Engage Teens

89. Making smashing smartphone content from your academic pursuits

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

90. Trauma-Focused ACT: Working With Mind, Body and Emotion

91. Psychological flexibility, mental health and health behavior in the context of COVID: An international perspective

92. Bend, But Don't Break: Psychological Inflexibility and Responses to Trauma, Abuse, and Assault

93. Psychological Flexibility Processes: Evidence and Explorations

94. Harnessing ACT to develop/deliver innovative interventions targeting university students' health & illicit drug use

95. Case Conceptualization and Treatment of a Cancer Case from a CBS Perspective

96. Group Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for psychosis: recovery and connection across cultures

97. Honing your ACT-skills with peers: An experiential introduction to the Portland model of peer consultation

98. Clinical Behavior Analysis for Behavioral Newbies: Intervening on Context, Behavior, and the Psychological Present

99. Dancing with the Elephant: Using the ACT Matrix to Guide Conversations about Race

100. Mindfulness and acceptance based approaches for psychosis: current evidence and future directions

101. Processes of Psychological Flexibility in the Development and Maintenance of Disordered Eating Symptoms

102. Loneliness, Social Interactions and Couples: Empirical Investigations and Interventions

103. Finding Your Home in ACBS

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

104. Increasing Cultural Responsiveness in Work with Latinx Caregivers of those with Anxiety and Autism Spectrum Disorders

105. CBS Interventions for Underserved Populations: When Client Context Selects Novel Treatment Approaches

106. Contextual Behavioral Science and Atlas Hugged: A Meta-conversation

107. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Managing Cravings and Addictive Behaviors

108. MAPping for Now: Understanding Procrastination through an ACT Lens and Using the Mindful Action Plan to Address It

109. Análisis funcional de los patrones problemáticos de rumia y preocupación

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

110. Sociocultural, Diversity, and Equity Issues and ACT/CBS

111. The parent trap: Psychological flexibility, mindfulness, and observable behaviors among parents and caregivers

112. ACT Functional Analysis and Treatment in ABA Settings: Working with Caregivers, Employees, and Athletes

113. Interbehaviorism: Then and Now, All the Way, and In the Room

114. Advancements in the Treatment of Children and Adolescents

115. Process-Based CBT, Open Science and Other Trends

116. Integrating CBS principles into suicide prevention and intervention

117. Magic ACT: Transforming (Emotional) Pain into Purpose with Clinical RFT

118. Truffle hunting: Bringing Values to Life in the Therapy Room

119. Using CBS to Nurture a Just and Sustainable World

120. Psychological flexibility as a transdiagnostic dimension in adolescents and young people

121. Implementation and dissemination of ACT for youth around the world using DNA-V

122. Evaluating Valuing Measures and Conceptualization in Research, Digital Interventions, & Clinical Conceptualizations

123. ACT Philosophy and Empirical Investigations of the Self

124. On Becoming a Peer Reviewed Trainer: Shared Experiences and Support

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

125. The Flexible Mind: Acceptance and Commitment Approaches to Athletes' Wellbeing and Performance

126. Prosocial for Social Activists

127. ACT and Psychosis: Creating a context for behavior change, together!

128. Improving our Tools: The Fundamentals of Crafting and Optimizing Measures

129. The ACT Therapeutic Relationship: Creating Healthy Alliances and Repairing Ruptures

130.IRAP can capture Japanese’s AARRs in flight: Interpreting from DAARRE model

131. Investigating Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Interventions and Processes in Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders

132. ACT and Chronic Health Conditions: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Directions

133. Validación y comunicación entre pacientes con cáncer y sus cuidadores primarios

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

134. Moving from the Illusion of Equity to Meaningful Action: A Prosocial Approach to Overcoming Barriers

135. ACT for Adolescents: Lessons learned in cyberspace

136. Lo experiencial en la psicoterapia: Los Niveles de Interacción Clínica

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

137. You-Here-Now: Using FAP to Respond More Effectively To Your Challenges as a Therapist

138. Belonging As Our Birthright: Cultivating Belonging from the Inside Out

139. Enhancing College Student Mental Healthcare with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

140. Self-as-context: Theory, evidence, and applications beyond traditional psychotherapy

141. Digital Interventions for Health Behavior Change: Innovations Using Acceptance & Mindfulness-Based Approaches

142. ACT Functional Analysis and Treatment in ABA Settings: Children with ASD and Related Disorders

143. Contextual behavioral analyses of the conceptualization and intervention in worry and rumination

144. Values, Vulnerability, and Consensual Non-Monogamy

145. Philosophy Bakes Bread: Practical Implications of Interbehavioral Perspectives on Applied Work

146. ACT in the Treatment of Trauma: Clinical Panel on Emotional Processing, Recovery, and Growth

147. A Zoom for Two...and Their Minds

148. El trabajo de exposición en la persona del terapeuta: “exponerse para exponer mejor”