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ACBS Committee Service - Volunteer Form

ACBS has a lot going on right now - we are growing fast and there is a lot more that we want to accomplish in the future.  To that end, ACBS needs your help!

We need energetic, talented, compassionate folks to help serve on both established and newly forming committees. While a few committees have specific requirements to join, many are open to anyone that is interested in serving ACBS.

To see a complete committee description list, please look here.

To indicate your interest in getting involved with a committee, please check all committees that apply and indicate any special skills, qualifications, or experience you might have for serving on a particular committee. Not all committees are actively looking for volunteers at all times, but all committees are listed below.  Please submit your interest and we will get back to you.

Please select as many are you are interested in.
If you have any specialized knowledge, skills, or experience pertaining to any of the committees you indicated, we'd love for you to tell us about it here. (eg., "I served on a chapter committee for Cal ABA and want to do it again."; "I'm a Facebook whiz and would love to use my powers for ACBS good!")
If there is something specific you'd be interested in, please share it here.
I understand I must be an ACBS member to volunteer for any ACBS committee.
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